Class 25: Fix Your Resume To Land Tech Interviews #



Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening. No matter where you're coming from. Hope you all are doing well during the best week ever in different off the jump a thank you for the 10 gifted souls that's wild yeah yeah indifferent was like let's turn it up let's go what's going on everybody happy best week ever uh we're you know what we're not slowing down folks we're not so we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna keep this best week ever going we knew that today was at at least part of the best week ever, but I got some little surprises in the mix. A little extension, shall we say. So thank you all for being here. Hope you had a really great weekend. What a weekend, folks. What a weekend. We had our Microsoft-sponsored stream. So many good moments during that. So many raffles, so many cool stuff that happened. gave away a laptop. Then we came back for our Friday with friends and we had Nick.

Yo, shout out Nick, exclamation point Nick in chat. Thank you so much for sharing that story. And then just seeing that kind of inspires so many folks or help folks realize that there are so many different ways and paths that move in this journey. And it was just really cool to hear. So you missed that on Friday with friends. It's, it's going to be Fridays on discord. We had 700 plus people, 700 plus people on a Friday. And the day before the day before we were, we're all hanging out with hello. It's Rufio, the newest member of the stream team, 700 plus people were there too. This community is hands down, hands down. One of the best communities, not only to learn how to code, but on the internet. and we proved it this week 700 plus people in a twitch stream just hanging out doing some cold wars then we had our Microsoft sponsored stream then we had 700 plus people on discord to hear Nick talk then Saturday we held it down on our place we're gonna talk about it we held it down Sunday we held it down Monday we were back with Rufio. Number one streamer in the category. They were number one streamer in the category. They're past two streams, number one streamer in the category.

Let's go. W's all around this week. And then, and then, we got today. And today's a special class. It's a little weird. It's a little different. We're gonna get into it, we're gonna talk about it. It's a little different of a class tonight. All right, we are gonna be doing our resume review. And to do this resume review, we were supposed to do it on Monday, but Rufio's stream was way better idea. Coming through with the code wars from beginning to getting on GitHub. That was amazing. If you missed it, their VOD is live. And what we wanna make sure is that, I didn't wanna do it. Hey, Ash Bunny, what's going on?

Thank you for the raid. to bring in the crew, 388 folks, that's wild. Yeah, if y'all haven't followed BashBuddy, we've done the raid once. If you haven't followed yet, make sure you go ahead and give them a follow. Let me see if I can throw this shout out here in chat. You're missing out on some really good streams. We just, so BashBuddy, we just learned about the terminal, right? So we learned about the terminal last class. So now we got a couple thousand folks that need to come by your stream and learn how to do it right. We covered the basics, now they gotta come through and do it right. So let's go ahead and let me see if we can throw this in the chat real quick. I'm gonna grab this, I'm gonna copy and paste it a few times. There we go. Yeah, I haven't given them a follow yet. Here, I'm gonna spam it a little bit here.

Make sure you give them a follow Now that you know what the heck we're doing in the terminal. You got to swing through and watch their streams They're slicing and dicing they're using tools We showed that that that that weird thing that happened We wrote our commit message the wrong way and we got thrown into that that weird text editor They're they're bawling at it. So go go ball out and watch them when you have the chance Thanks for rating. Hope I hope your stream went. Well, what we all up to today Yeah, make sure, make sure you swing through. Thank you for the raid. All right, we're doing our resume review. Resume review's a little bit different. We were supposed to do it on, we were supposed to do it on Monday, but I'm gonna delete this as soon as it's over. As soon as this, as soon as we're done this stream, I'm gonna delete it. So I figured out that, well, I figured that we shouldn't do it on Monday because we don't have everyone. But once we're done this tonight, As soon as it's done gone done. So the neat it's gone so the idea here is that we are gonna be looking at a good resume example that I'm gonna ask you all to use a good template and then we're gonna look through some some folks that signed up to be roasted and We're gonna go a little we're gonna go a little hard I tried my best to hide their names and stuff, but we're gonna go in a little bit And so we don't need that staying up there. And the other thing is that we're the victims of our own success. We have a lot of people that are here.

We have so many new folks that join us each stream. And those folks might not know the ways of the 100 devs, right? They might see a lovely form on somebody's portfolio site and try to fill it out a hundred times just to see if it works. They don't, you know, they're not part of the cool kids. You know, they're not kind. And so we don't want to leave up the video or the means for these folks to be found elsewhere on the internet. So I didn't tweet today. And as soon as we're done, we're gonna delete the VOD. And we hope that that will simmer some of the folks from finding us that aren't part of our community So everyone that's here everyone that came over for bash money stream like work. We're cool But there's some riffraff that get mixed into it and we don't want that to be lingering So we're gonna do it and we're gonna delete it Melody dev a thank you for the gifted subs. Are your streams been haven't seen you. I'm a senior Hope they were doing well going well Oh, thank you for the gift of subs. All right, so the riff raff, yeah, exactly, Bash. All right, so now we got that out the way, let's jump into it. We got some things to do, some things to talk about before we get to our lovely, lovely resumes.

All right, we're gonna talk through some stuff about 100 devs, we're gonna review some resumes, and then your homework, guess what, is to do your resume. Now, we will have a full class on how to get ready for the hunt. The hunt is what we call our getting the job process. And so there's so much stuff that goes into hunt that's not just the resume. But the cool thing about starting with your resume is a lot of these really important concepts, a lot of these little, these very important concepts, we can start to simmer on. We can let those, uh. Divka, I thought you were telling me to do something else. I was like, Leon, you're a little off today. You need to go to, I just got it. Thank you. We're going to, we're going to see a lot of this stuff in our hunt classes, but the resume brings up some really important topics. Some things about crafting your story, thinking about your past experiences, is thinking through the things that you wanna highlight as you go into the hunt. So I wanna do a very kind of intro to resume and looking at some resumes, and then I need you to do it and I need you to start thinking through some of these really kind of meaty topics. And we're gonna see that in a second, but that's the reason why we're doing a separate class on just the resume. We got 10 resumes we're gonna go through, we'll do a laptop raffle and we'll call it, and you're gonna use that extra time tonight that we end early with to actually do your resume.

Cool. That'll carry us into the next couple of weeks where we're gonna be looking at object-oriented programming, going deep into that. And then once we're done object-oriented programming, before we shift gears to going into the backend, we will have a class or two on starting the hunt, the job search process, getting all the things we need to start getting together so that we can be effective when it comes time to get a job. Cool. Yeah, no check in tonight because I don't want the, as we said, the riff raff coming in from Twitter. We want it just to be us. We want to make sure that we're, we're being kind to the folks that have volunteered themselves as tribute. And so yeah, no check in, uh, and we'll, we'll keep it, we'll keep it in the family. No new friends. Exactly. Except for Ash Bunny and the crew. They're cool though. We've been there. We were friends already. Cool.

Alrighty. I would like to start off with some questions. I feel like we got through some big ones already. So we'll do like one more question and then we'll get into. No APIs? No, our API class will be on Thursday. Cause we were supposed to do this on Monday, but we switched it up so more people could see it. Question of the day was, were you able to participate in our place? Of course or Rossi, of course Whoa, look at these folks that were able to participate that's wild Had no idea was so many All right, that's cool I Have some screenshots for those that weren't able to join us. I got some screenshots for you. We'll get to it All righty, no check-in. We don't want the riffraff coming through Twitter, so no check-in, but if you haven't already, go ahead and show some love on that Microsoft tweet if you haven't checked in from our last class. They came through, they splashed out, so please make sure if you haven't already, like and retweet that tweet just because they showed out for our community, so let's show them some love. For folks that won some stuff, we've been giving out stuff all weekend. You'll start hearing back from me like today and tomorrow.

There's just a lot of like little kind of administrative stuff we got to do. So if you didn't hear from me this weekend, that's okay. You're going to hear mainly from me probably tomorrow is when I'll get through the bulk of stuff. I got to get your addresses and all that fun stuff. So we're still kind of, we got a lot to get through. I'll get to you and don't, don't panic. If you didn't get something specifically this weekend, you'll get it by end of day tomorrow. Cool, this is the link you could also do check-in if you missed the Microsoft link. Cool. Remember folks, Health First, we decided to go ahead and extend some deadlines so that we could focus in on some of the Meteor topics that we have coming up. We have APIs that we're getting deeper into on Thursday. Then we have object-oriented program that we're getting into deeper. And so remember, Health First, we're extending some deadlines to give ourselves some breathing room, But please this is the point in program where you have to be taking care of yourself doing your stretches Right making sure that you are doing some sort of Pomodoro Where you're not just roasting your eyeballs on the screen for 10 hours a day, right? Make sure you're taking those breaks. Make sure you're letting your eyes relax.

Make sure you're letting your hands relax Make sure you're doing all the things so you can go the marathon not just the sprint Cool Remember, no networking until May. So all of April, I'm not expecting you to network. So you don't have to hustle the networking right now. Save your brain a little bit, use that energy to go into the materials. Also, don't hound streamers for coffee chats, please. It's really weird when we go to a raid and there's like a bazillion people asking for coffee chats. They don't wanna have coffee chats with you. Some of them have been amazingly nice and have opened up coffee chats, but don't keep hounding them in their, in their chat, asking for coffee chats. It's, it's, it's, it's not a good look at all. So please, you don't have to network this week, so you don't have to do it. So no networking until may. Um, Also shout out to a lot of the folks in the Twitch community that have done coffee chats. I'm thinking of Mel true so many folks have opened up their like Lives to help us and so be cool Be cool. All right, be cool Also show up for your coffee chats if you can't make a coffee chat Just let them know that you can't make it don't ghost people. I'm really convinced in the reason the reason why the reason why I I didn't tweet tonight and the reason why I'm going to delete this thought after is there are a lot of folks that Aren't part of 100 devs that are now aware of 100 devs, right?

So there are folks that use and see the hashtag on twitter that see us at the top of the category on twitch and so they might not have been here for the full ride and might not know the the norms right and so So yeah, some folks are ghosting. I have a really strong suspicion that they're not really 100 devs. They're just people seeing that hashtag on Twitter and then using it. So don't be that if you are part of 100 devs, right? If you are part of 100 devs, hold yourself to that good old 100 devs caliber, make sure you're showing up for coffee chats, make sure you're presenting yourself well so that other folks wanna help and support this community. So many folks have seen how wonderful and amazing this community is and want to help and support you all. So live up to that. So many folks opening up their calendars, giving us their time, like be respectful of that just so that more folks do it, right? Cool. Yeah. Especially after we crushed it in our place, exactly. In difference that we were mentioned in three different 20K plus streams, exactly. So you don't want us to use 100 devs? No, that's not what I'm saying at all. What I'm saying is that live up to that, to that moniker live up to being a good contributor to a hundred devs.

If you set, if you set a coffee chat with someone actually show up to that coffee chat, when we raid folks, be kind, be respectful, show love, right? That's what we do around here. And if we got to, we're happy to get you out. Cause we don't need folks that can't be kind, that can't be respectful. So please set up a coffee chat Do the fucking coffee chat or at least let them know that you can't make it and when we raid be kind Right, don't hound people for things like that. That's kind of weird Well, all right. Now this is this is like one or two people out of the thousands that are here, but it has to be said And if you can't do that you can't be kind you can't be respectful you can't be somebody that doesn't hound and get the fuck Out. We don't need you here Our client deadline, our client deadline was moved to May 3rd, so you have all of April to get extra work done to get that client to do all the things that we covered in our getting a client class. So know that you have until May 3rd to sign on the dotted line. You don't have to be finished on that work. You just need that signed contract of $200 or more. Cool. We also talked about for a lot of folks in our community, getting a paid client might not be something they can do due to visa issues or whatever it may be. So we mentioned two other alternatives. You can volunteer for a grassroots org, but you still do the same process.

Still a proposal, still a contract, still getting payment, which is in the form of them being the best reference you have ever had in your entire life. You could also contribute to free software. We posted this first-timers only where you can find good helpful communities that want early career engineers to help and support their project that would also count for your getting of the client and we're gonna see today why getting one of these three is so important. Alright we're gonna see why getting one of these three is so important today it's gonna be a big portion of our resume it's gonna be a big thing that helps you get past that Sniff test, okay We had a newsletter raffle today We had a newsletter raffle today. So I've already grabbed the folks that filled out the newsletter raffle Remember it pays to open the newsletter folks today. There was a raffle in the newsletter I already grabbed all the folks that submitted it before I pressed to go live I clicked plus go live I grabbed the names and I put it so we had 1,200 people that filled it out before we went live on Stream, I forget every time No worries, but I already threw them into a random name picker We're gonna go ahead and do that 1,200 people filled it out before I even went live today, which is wild I see y'all what's gonna pick it three two one All right maze the kid maze Congratulations, I will send you a whisper because you are receiving a lovely 100 devs t-shirt. So you have a lovely 100 devs t-shirt coming your way. I will go ahead and send you a whisper. Like I said, I'm gonna try and get the bulk of all those whispers tomorrow. So coming your way. Cool, it's a lovely, lovely t-shirt. We're gonna have a few more raffles later today folks around a few more raffles We're gonna have a a lovely laptop raffle before we do our rate at the end of the day So lots of fun that we had still the best week ever All right Let's talk about our place for a second I Asked you all came it was a glorious glorious day a glorious glorious weekend And, uh, I had so much fun hanging out with all of y'all over the weekend. Uh, it, it was, it was such a roller coaster of emotions from brokering deals with our Germans to the, to the, to the West, to, uh, holding off Mexico from the North to, uh, brokering. Peace deals with Poland and, uh, uh, so many other wonderful communities, Rome, Uh, uh, who else do we, we broker, uh, good deals with just so many wonderful communities that came together, uh, to, to build out some really beautiful stuff. We made a lot of friends, a lot of folks that were not part of our community that were in our discord to like help coordinate chibi girl.

Exactly. 100 geck. Exactly. So trolls, GG troll. Exactly. So many folks that, um, we got to meet and hang out with over the weekend. So many so many factorio exactly so many folks that that he did the call when the streamers were Riding rampant and we were able to build some really cool stuff And it was just really fun to see the community come together to place pixels Can we place that we broke at international treaties on our resume? Hell? Yeah, you can. Oh, yeah I've got our good homies the Detroit Lions before they got taken over by h3 and then by dream like What a weekend, you had to be there. It's one of those kind of internet experiences that doesn't come around that often. And so it was super fun hanging out with you all, being in the voice channels. Glad so many folks were able to participate. And we built some really cool stuff. So the original OG little Leon that we had to broker with the technical school from Germany, we've rebuilt and had our lovely little mini Leon.

We had the Goomba that Blah requested. We had this lovely Goomba that got put on our place. If you don't know what our place was, it was a, it's an April Fool's thing that Reddit did in 2017, they brought back this year. Basically, anyone with a Reddit account can place a tile, one color pixel, every five minutes. And so you have all these communities that come together to place pixels in five minute intervals. And so we were to build this first little Leon that we were to build the Goomba we had a Bob at one point and We had the bigger The bigger Leon that got built until Poland wiped out the we go get which was which was a lot of fun So three Bob's exactly we had so many other little things that popped up to you But these are some of the bigger ones that I was able to grab throughout the weekend And so it was just a lot of fun to see all y'all organized and build some some some really cool stuff Yeah, it's a, it's a, it's an experience I remember for a while now. Yeah. Poland came in and wiped out the, we go get, they were nice though. They didn't go any further. They could have with their numbers, taking the whole thing over. Yeah. And at one point, one of the streamers, I'm not going to mention their name. I've never been so heated over pixels in my life. I was, I was, I was feeling some type of way. I was, I was like, I should be having fun.

It shouldn't be bothering me, but when you're somewhere it's just like Trashing the art of like small communities. I was like died. This is awesome about to do some stuff that I shouldn't be doing so I Took some moments to chill. I was able to relax a little bit But the end we had some really cool stuff and it was a really fun time So thank you everybody was able to stop by he was able to contribute. It was perfect timing for the best week ever It was really a cool collaborative thing that we could do I really want to figure out other fun stuff for us to do as a community Now that I can see so many of you all want to show out We got to figure out to do some fun stuff. Maybe some hackathons or cool things coming up soon All right. Next big thing to announce Mayan wolf is officially joining the stream team We have another Wonderful stream team member. I know a lot of you have seen my wolf streams already from discord We rated them after Hello's Rufio stream. It's official folks, Minewolf is joining the stream team and tomorrow will be their first official stream, a part of the 100 Dev stream team. This person shows out so much for our community that it's an absolute privilege to have them on the stream team. This person is already a SQL developer and their day-to-day life. And they're with us to pick up some JavaScript skills, but they're already a developer in their own right. So I love that they can bring some experience to the table. They're an expert at kind of just breaking down some more difficult problems and the things that other folks understand. They've built some really rad projects on stream.

And so their first stream as part of the 100 dev stream team will be tomorrow. And please, please show out, show out, show up. I guarantee you're gonna get something out of this stream and I love having so many varied folks on the stream team because Don't you do it Tomahawk? There's Tomahawk just said coffee chat JK JK. So Tomorrow 6 30 p.m. Be there. It's gonna be a good time. We're gonna have some raffles during that stream as well it's gonna be a good time and And once again, like it's cool, check out these members of the stream team. Hello Drufio was great because you get to see their process through a code war. You got to get some spaced repetition in when they got stuck, you could help answer how they got stuck. Like it's just like a really cool way to continue your learning. And then Mind Wolf is really good at taking the stuff that we're already learning in class and making it practical, like using it to build stuff. And so definitely stop by as they build a lovely project tomorrow Alrighty, that's super exciting. That's the best news tonight. Uh, my wife is joining the stream team You'll see them being able to post in the stream team channel, uh, and we'll be all hanging out there tomorrow So you're like leon well when I thought today was the last day Of the best week ever.

Well, it's not Thursday will be the last day of the best week ever. Tonight, we're gonna do our resume review. We're gonna have some fun doing that. We got some more raffles. We got a laptop giveaway. Tomorrow is Mind Wolf Stream, so that has to be part of the best week ever. And so we're gonna end on Thursday. We're gonna come back. We're gonna do our APIs. We have a lot of other raffles to get through during that class on APIs. We have some of the bigger things we still have to give away like best project some of the bigger awards that I got some some good surprises for and then we Also have our next merch drop some folks that they want it like a day or two heads up that we were gonna do a merch Drop merch is not live today Which is not live today merch will be live during Thursday's Stream so a lot of folks said hey Leon. I love the idea of merch I want me some merch, but I need one or two days to get ready I need to set up my PayPal or whatever it may be. So merch is not today, it'll be on Thursday, which will be the end of the best week ever. But just because the best week ever ends and we're done with what was a monumental week, doesn't mean the fun stops. We're gonna have more Friday with friends.

We're gonna have more office hours. We're gonna be having mentor Monday soon where we're gonna help folks that wanna help others come together. So there's lots of other goodies They're gonna keep coming as we wrap up the best week ever And so thank you everyone so far for an amazing best week ever Like I said on the last day of best we give her I gotta do a lot of thank you So so many people that make this community what it is So that'll be Thursday about tons of raffles and be a lot of fun big deal merch all the good stuff Thursday as we wrap up the best week ever, but until then Let's talk about some resumes. So So tonight we are going to review some resumes. We're going to start off with looking at a template that you can all use. And a lot of folks will try and do other stuff. They won't use the template, just use the template, at least for your first pass. So we'll look at a template, then we are going to look, we're gonna look at 10 different resumes. we'll do the laptop raffle, we'll do a raid, and then we'll end because I want you to work on your resume tonight. I want you to take all the things that we learned this evening together and use some of that energy, some of this time to put it into your resume. You are all doing your networking. You're all getting to the point where you're starting to have a little bit more of a web presence. You're gonna start pushing things to Git and GitHub. You're gonna be in a situation where folks are gonna wanna start asking about your professional experience. They're gonna start asking about if you have a resume, if they can pass it along to someone else.

So it's important to figure all that stuff out this evening. Cool. So here is the template for the resume. It is in the slides. And I can also put the link directly in chat. Here is the link. I think we actually have exclamation point resume that works. Let me see. I think we actually have a chat command for it. If not, I'll create one right now. All right, hold on, let's copy link address, and I'm gonna add a command, one second. Boom. Oh, there already exists a command resume. Let's see. Oh, yeah, it's already there.

So, exclamation point resume is the link for the resume and it should go ahead and get that your way. Let me go ahead and spam it in chat a little bit so folks can get it. Boom, there we go. In case you need the link, You can always look at the slides too and grab it from the slides, but that's the link. It's that bitly link there that'll take you to the resume. Cool. It might go down. Google doesn't like it when we send too many people to it. And so it might, it might, it might not load. So don't worry about it right now. Let it chill. When we get our first break, it'll, it'll load. but I've seen some people saying, woo, I got my coffee. Yeah, whatever reason, when we send so many people to it, it doesn't like it. So just chill for now.

We'll look at it together here live, and then you can take your time during the break to grab it. Cool. Limited edition resume template, exactly. So, so many folks say, hey, Leon, do I need to buy a resume builder? Do I need to buy a resume template? No, use this one myself and we'll eventually kind of hear from this person a bit more when we get to our hunt. We have someone at resilient coders that I can only describe as a beast and her name is Stephanie and Stephanie is the one that helps all of our alumni like lock down their jobs and so this kind of template is something that I have learned. And a lot of this resume stuff I've learned from working with this beast of a person that just really helps all of our students to get jobs. And so, yeah, we call Stephanie the fairy job mother at RC. And so a lot of what I have learned has come from them and then seeing hundreds of students, hundreds of students get jobs, right? And so a lot of this stuff is not like, hey, I think this might be cool. Or like, hey, this stuff is like, I think this is what you need a resume. No. This is what I've seen help hundreds of people actually lock down a job across all different types of interviews, all types of ranges. So this is something that I've put some work into, but the fairy job mother has done the heavy lifting and I'll share their, I'll share their stuff maybe after class, just so you can give them like a follow on Twitter.

Definitely somebody you want to follow because they have some serious skills when it comes to helping folks get jobs. And I'm going to hype them more as we get into our actual class on how to get a job. But I just wanted to throw that out here so you don't think it's just all me. This is a lot of hard work from some other folks. But the important thing here is this has worked for a lot of people. And so. When it comes time to getting this job stuff, it's not stuff I'm making up, it's not stuff that I'm guessing about. It's literally something I've seen across a thousand plus interviews, across hundreds of students that has been distilled into this template. So could you use something else? Yes, feel free to, I don't really care. At the end of the day, this is what I know works, so this is what I'm gonna show you, and it's up to you if you're gonna give me that trust to try using it, right? So that's up to you. Don't ever let me get in your way of doing the thing you wanna do, but this is what I've seen work time and time and time again, and so that's why I'm showing it to you, and that's why I want you to use it. So when you come to me in a couple months, you're like, Leon, I'm not getting past that first stage of of interviews and I asked to see your resume and it's not using my template, I'm going to be like, well, maybe there's something wrong with your resume, right? So what we're going to do is we're going to walk through why I think this template is good, and then we are going to look at 10 other resumes and point out things where I think they can improve and things where I think that they are doing really, really good on.

So that's what we'll do. Alrighty, here is our lovely resume template. First thing, name at the top, we have our title of software engineer. Don't shoot yourself in the foot by doing your first version of the resume with anything other than software engineer. Eventually, you are gonna tailor this resume to every single job that you apply to. Because remember, we don't just click apply. We network our way into opportunities. And so while we're networking our way into opportunities, we're gonna wind up changing our resume. So if you are not in a location where the word software engineer is restricted, then you should just put software engineer on your resume. If you're in Canada or someplace where it is restricted, put the closest equivalent to it. Cool. Alrighty. Notice that there is no photo. Please don't put a photo on your resume. This is like one of the things that a lot of recruiters I've talked to recently, they literally can't even look at resumes that have photos on them.

Like they're not allowed to, because they're afraid, are you calling us ugly? No, they're afraid that they might get a lawsuit for discrimination. And so if there is a photo, they will literally they literally are like told that they can't they can't accept resumes to have folded photos on them. So get rid of your photo off of your resume just because it will cause you trouble with certain recruiters. Yeah. Yeah. And remember, this is a very U.S. centric resume class. There might be certain things that are that are standard in your country or location that are not here So the bulk of ours a bulk of our folks going through a hundred devs are in the u.s And so that's why there may be some things that this is this this is just very u.s Centric if you're in in an area where they you have to have photos then ignore that advice. Yeah Cool So summary, the summary is quick, short, and to the point, but is often one of the very few things that'll be actually read. Remember, does anyone know how long a recruiter typically spends on a resume? How long do you think a recruiter spends on your resume? I'm seeing 40 seconds, 30 seconds, six seconds. six seconds, six, six seconds, six seconds. So you gotta get all the stuff out of their view that is going to, in those six seconds, not enable you to pass the sniff test.

and so you want bangers only, and you want to make sure that it's clear, concise, and not something that's going to take up their time. I see a lot of folks that will put a lot in their summary. Don't. Very quick to the point. Here's a summary in ours. Creative, detail-oriented software engineer with a deep interest in AI. Proven track record of creating and implementing successful front and backend web applications, looking to bring my skills to a tech company with global reach. So let's break down why this is like a thing. I'm saying with a deep interest in AI, am I claiming that I am a machine learning expert or an artificial intelligence expert? No. But I'm hitting those keywords though, that's for sure. I'm hitting those keywords right now. AI is hot. It's a good keyword. It makes me sound smart.

I don't know how to do machine learning or AI. Makes me sound like I know what the fuck I'm talking about, right? If I'm interested in AI, maybe I can handle your web app, right? And so somebody's saying resume SEO. Yeah, it's a thing. All of your resumes are gonna be passed through a computer, right? It's gonna be it's gonna be passed through a computer. We have this lovely CV compiler where you can try it I highly recommend once you've done your first pass on your resume that you pass it through the CV compiler See what recruiters see when it's passed through a machine. And so there are there is a thing as right there there really is a a machine that is reading some of your resumes and you wanna have some things on there that are gonna help boost it in that metric. And so AI is one of those things. And so I like throwing that on here, deep interest in AI, because when people think about this, right? So there's two things that could be happening here. One, you could be going through a machine in which point you just got points. Or more realistically, a recruiter is looking at this, right, a recruiter is looking at this and going, Oh, this is somebody that's like into computer science. This is somebody that is probably a good engineer, right?

If they're dabbling with AI, they're probably a good engineer. And so the idea here is that you're, you're doing two things. You're trying to trick, trick a robot and you're trying to trick a recruiter. You're trying to get them got in the six seconds that they're going to spend on your resume. Right. And so a recruiter sees that and immediately they're thinking, all All right, better person, better candidate. Then you say that you built successful front and back and web applications. That probably is the jobs that you're gonna be applying for, right? Probably the jobs you're gonna be applying for, so you check that box. And then looking to bring my skills to a company with global reach. And so this is kind of generic. Some folks might tweak global reach, but the idea is that you're just trying to, like the reason why you're applying, The reason why you're showing up is because you want to work at a bigger company That's it that's all you're doing here you're saying hey, I want to I want to I want to show up I want to work at a slightly bigger company because that's gonna be part of your story When you talk to recruiters when you talk to the kind of the front line of joining these companies so much so about you getting the actual interview is about the story as to why you have shown up today. The story as to why you have decided to apply to this job and one of the common things people are going to say ask you is why have you left your previous opportunity and your response is going to be well I want to focus on a product organization or I want to work at a slightly larger your company, right? That's one of the very clear outs. A lot of you are gonna have simply freelancing on your resume.

And so if you just have freelancing on your resume, one of the stories is, hey, I'm tired of this freelancing grind, getting clients, making clients happy. I wanna join a product that people around the world use. I'm sick and tired of freelancing, of doing that freelancing grind. I wanna join a company that supports a product that folks around the world use, right? And so this idea of the summary is the very first part of crafting your story. And you really need to think through, right? You really need to think through what is a plausible story. You shouldn't be throwing things out there like I'm unemployed. You shouldn't be throwing things out there like I'm unhappy at my current job. You shouldn't be throwing out things that are negative in any way, shape or form. You need to have a logical reason why you're showing up today. That makes the person want to hire you All right, that makes I need more money. No, that's not a good reason, right? You need to give them a reason why you're showing up. I want to jump I'm tired of the freelancing grind I want to join a company that has an actual product that I can grow in I can go deep on I don't want to have to get a new client every three months Like I'm ready to join a product team that that has great customers and treats them very well, right?

Like there are so many things you have to do they to think through it So one of the very first things you need to think through as you're thinking through your resume is also thinking through like your story and how does that story fit into the summary so that people know why you're showing up why you're interested and always Always, always, always, when you're working on a resume or you're working on any of this professional stuff, always think about it from the person across the table from you. A lot of folks snitch on themselves. A lot of folks talk about themselves in not the best light. This is the one time in your life where you're allowed to ball out, don't be humble, talk your talk, show the walk that you've walked. So do it take that opportunity, right? No room for for humble pie. No room for not showing the highlight reel You got to show out nothing negative. No junior crap No anything you gotta you gotta you gotta make sure that the person across the table That's reading the resume in those six seconds go. Oh, this person's probably an engineer Has no highlight reel? Nonsense. If you're doing 100 devs, you have an amazing highlight reel already, and that highlight reel is going to continue to grow as you go through the program. Get that. I hate that. That's like one of the, like, I hate very few things in life. And the thing I hate most, get spicy real quick, is people say I'm a horrible, like, like, not me personally, but they talk about themselves and they say, I don't have a highlight reel.

And then they say, I'm a terrible liar because when you say that you're a terrible liar, what you are saying is that there's nothing good about yourself that you can put on a resume. Fuck that. If you've gone through this program so far, you have amazing stuff that you can put on your resume. You have a highlights reel and that highlight reel is only going to grow. So get that talk out of your head, get those words out of your mouth. They have no place going forward. If you're going through this program, you will have a phenomenal highlights reel that'll enable you to stand out against candidates Like a hundred plus other folks have done Right, and so none of this none of this. I don't know what to put on here No, what you're gonna get there. We're gonna get there together, but get that self doubt that self-loathing out your mouth That has no place no place today or for the rest of your life. Because if you're still here, you've done something that thousands, probably millions of other people have not done. I was looking at, so I think I mentioned this during stream once before, but I was looking at CS50. CS50 is hands down one of the best, It is the best computer science course on the internet. And they actually published their numbers, like the folks that have gone through the program, right? And made it to the end. And so CS50 started with 150,000, 150,000 signups, over 100,000 people engaged, meaning like they came to like the first class or so.

Out of those 100,000, 1% completed the course. To me, what is hands down, one of the best courses ever made on the internet. I actually think it was like slightly less than 1%, less than 1% completed the course. So if you are still fucking showing up all 3000 of us, you're doing something that thousands, hundreds of thousands of people have not been able to do. So we got to get this talk out of our brains. I don't know how to I don't know how to pump you up, but over the next few weeks, you got to get that out of your brain. You have amazing stuff that you've already built. You have amazing things that you've already learned, and you can craft a resume that highlights those things. And as we continue the program, you're going to have stuff that nobody else in the game has that are coming out of other boot camps that are coming out of four year degree programs. You're going to you're you're gonna dance circles around them. You're going to just absolutely obliterate them. And so we need to end this like now. So that's all, I said my piece. You're probably gonna hear me do it again when we get to our actual hunt class. But when we're doing this resume, you all will have stuff you can put on here.

No more of that. Jason Derulo, thank you so much for the five gifts and subs, hope you're doing well. Jason Derulo, do you want to come on our Friday with friends? I think people really need to hear your story. Hit me up. All right, let's keep going. Anyone here could say something along this line, creative you are. You've all built stuff. Detail. I learned it. You managed to keep showing up. That's true. Software engineer. You write code. That's true.

With a deep interest in AI, switch it out to whatever you have an interest in. If you don't like AI say VR, you don't like VR say something, something else. Right. But the idea here is that we're doing the things that help us stand out. Proven track record and creating and implementing successful front-end and back-end web applications. Hell yeah. You've built front-end applications already. You'll get to the back end very soon. If you've used an API, then you've also built backend applications. Cool. Looking to bring my skills to a tech company with global reach. You can absolutely say that. Beautiful. So we have our summary that'll help pass the sniff test. And then you're going to notice we have some other stuff over here.

We have our contact. We have our email, our portfolio, our GitHub, our LinkedIn, and our Twitter, if you're not wild. And I think everybody here has a professional Twitter, or you you should at least have one. And it's up to you if you wanna put that on your resume or not, but it's on there. Notice very distinctly, I've not put a location. Notice I did not put a location. And that's on purpose. Some companies dismiss your application based solely on the location that you put. And if they need to know where you are, they'll ask, but you don't need to snitch on yourself Before you even get in the door. So I didn't put anything. Yeah, you won't see a location on a good resume cool Work experience. You're gonna notice the very first thing about work experience is your engineering work at a hundred devs So you were a software engineer at a hundred devs. That is true You were all at a hundred devs. You were all software engineers at a hundred devs by the time you're in the hunt we will kind of slowly start, we'll slowly stop talking about 100 devs as a bootcamp, and we will shift gears talking about 100 devs as an agency. 100 devs is a real agency.

We have clients and we will continue to get clients. And so you are all software engineers at 100 devs. And so while you're at 100 devs, you will collaborate with a team of developers to build modern and responsive web applications using best practices. You've already done this. If you've come to our project nights, you have already collaborated with a team of developers to build modern and responsive web applications. Like that's something that you've already done. You've built semantically structured full stack web applications. You have already done this. If you've came to project night, you've already done this. Applied agile methodologies like Scrum for project management. You didn't know you were doing it, but there are some portions of it that you've already done. And as we get to the end of program, You will all have worked on a project team together So by the time you graduate a hundred devs, you will have your hundred hours project You have worked on multiple projects and teams. So all this stuff you will have underneath your belts Now you're gonna notice we're gonna talk about recent projects What you're gonna notice about the way that we talk about our projects is that you should never talk about your projects Don't you need a cert for Scrum? No, you don't. I mean, you can get certified in Scrum, but you don't need a certification to like use Scrum methodology.

All Scrum is, is like how you work with other developers. Cool. Now, you're gonna notice we're gonna talk about our projects as though they are real clients, right? And so the clients, we will, whenever you build a project, from this point forward, never build a project that looks like it could be a bootcamp. Always build your projects with a client in mind. Even if there is not a client, build a project with a client in mind, right? And so, Hip Coffee Co could be a project I did during a bootcamp, or it could have been a project I actually did for a client called Hip Coffee Co, right? And so the idea here is you just want to be careful about how you talk about stuff. If a recruiter's only spending six seconds, you don't have to snitch on yourself and make it seem like you were in a bootcamp. If they ask, you don't have to lie. You can say, yeah, it was an agency with a training program and I went through the training program, right? But you don't have to snitch on yourself out the gate and say that. Let them dream the software engineer of their dreams. And when they ask, clarify. But you don't have to come out the gate snitching on yourself.

So always label your projects as though they are real companies. Talk about them as though they were real clients. Cashier can take coffee orders from customers with their names. Baristas can log into the app and see orders that have been made. Mark them a complete. Orders that have been completed will note which barista completed the order. All of you that graduate from this program will have built this app as part of a team. So when you graduate, you will literally have this in your recent projects. Happy notes. Users can log into their profile and find their list of notes. They can add new notes through an input, which they can edit or delete all the notes in their profile. By the time we get done our backend, you will all have this project in your portfolio. And so you might not name it happy notes, you might not name it hip coffee co, but the idea is that you're gonna have serious projects that you've worked in teams with, that are live, that people can play with, and you're gonna talk that talk so that folks see them as real projects because that's what they are. And then everyone's gonna have a hundred hours project. You're not gonna call it a hundred hours project, right?

You're not gonna call it the hundred hours project, But it's gonna be a project you sink a hundred hours into half of the folks that got jobs last cohort Did not have technical interviews because they did this stuff. Well Somebody looked at their resume looked at their portfolio looked at their LinkedIn and go, huh? There's no way in hell that this person is not an engineer Brought them into the interview talk through their 100 hours project, ask them a bunch of technical questions. We have a bank of over 300 questions that you will all memorize, right? And they're able to talk through that project and people go, oh, you built this from scratch. Like you know everything that happened in this application. You have all these other apps, you have real people that you've worked with, like good enough, boom, you get the job. Right? And so you don't have it yet, But start thinking about what's your hundred hours project gonna be is it something that you're excited to build something that you as difficult? Like to say it can be something you're excited about or something that you're that you hate and you want to fix it And so we're like I said, this is not our first class in the hunt It's just things I need to start thinking through In terms of your resume, but also like get the gears turning so that when we do get to the hunt You've already thought through some of this stuff and then we list other projects. Here's where a lot of people kind of Um, snitch on themselves, right? This is where people kind of snitch on themselves. And the reason why they snitch on themselves is because they list like their other projects, right? They list their other projects. I will catch up crew have these group projects.

Uh, yeah, like I said, we, we have most of our group nights will be during class time, but we'll hold other times where folks can work in groups as well. But you can also create a thread and organize and catch up crew as well Yeah At this point you said it more times than I have now, but you always gotta give credit where credit's due because it's amazing All right. So here's where most people snitch on themselves like all of their like little apps they build It just it just sounds like they were in a boot camp And so instead of saying virtual instead of saying slot machine app you say small lakes casino virtual slot machine Hold on, let me clarify real quick. Some folks will put slot machine app on their resume and some people will put small lakes casino virtual slot machine. So Tucknado said, so lie? No. What was a lie there? What was the lie there? Tell me what was the lie. That's what I want to call it. Did poker stars lie when they called their casino poker stars? Did the WPT lie when they said WPT poker app? No, that's the name of their app. So why can't ours be small lakes casino virtual slot machine? Get the fuck out of here.

Come on now. Come on now. Come on now. People brand their projects all the time. So brand your project. Maybe make a landing page for it, right? Come on now, get out of here. Don't actually leave, I want you to stay. I just, I want that idea to get out of here. Don't just name, like just don't put a project on there. Name your projects. Every other business in the world names their projects. Name your projects. Cool. Los Angeles Stargazer Society APOD web app with NASA API integration.

I'm in Los Angeles. I'm a Stargazer. Maybe I want it to be a society and I'm going to build a NASA app. Guess what we're doing on Thursday, folks? Guess what we're doing on Thursday? We're building an API that uses NASA's API. so don't just say NASA API website give it a freaking name right everyone here has built the next app on demand background color changer for partner twitch streamer on demand background color changer for partner twitch streamer guess what I'm a partner twitch streamer thanks to y'all and you all built me a Color picker, it's the first thing we did in JavaScript. So you could have said, color picker, like some of these people, people will be like, Leon, I applied to 500 places and I look at their resume and it says color picker. Bruh, what's a color picker? Why would any professional software engineer put a color picker on their resume? Why? They never. You gotta think about it from the perspective of a recruiter. No software engineer worth their salt would put a color picker on their resume. Now if you built an on-demand background color changer for a partner twitch streamer, that's a little different.

It's true, you did, you built it for me. So at this point, when you're working on your resume, think about how the other person is gonna perceive it. I am always happy to let a recruiter, an engineering manager, somebody that's gonna be looking at this stuff, run off and paint the best picture they could ever paint of me in their head. I'm not lying, all this stuff is true. I've done the work to brand myself, right? I've done the work to brand my projects. You can't fault me for doing that. But if you want to paint a better picture of me because of it, I'm going to let you. If you ask me directly, sure, I'll explain what all these things were. But guess what? It never fucking happens. Nobody ever, maybe one out of a hundred interviews that they dig deep and actually want to know the nitty gritty details because they're spending six seconds, six seconds. So they're spending six seconds. They're not going to nitpick all this stuff. They're gonna read it go this person is a software engineer you move to the next round and the folks that don't do this The folks that get uncomfortable with this part like only and I can't oh, I can't brand my stuff Oh, I can't do it.

Guess what? You're not gonna get a job Or it's gonna take you way longer than it would have All right, so start thinking Start thinking through these things Right? Keeping it real, huh? I am. I get spicy on this because this is the number one thing people fuck up. This is like the biggest thing people fuck up. And it's the biggest thing. You know what it is? And it's not. It's not that and we're going to take our breaks in. Don't worry. And it's not that they're fucking up. Is that they don't have enough belief in themselves to talk highly about themselves. They don't have enough belief in themselves to brand their projects. They don't have enough belief in themself to build their brand, right?

And so that's the sad thing. That's why I get so upset about this, is why I get so spicy with it, is because it's not that these people feel this, it's not that these people don't wanna do certain things, it's that a lot of times with a lot of my students, there's something in them, there's something in their brain that says, I can't do this, I'm not good enough, I'm not worthy enough, I shouldn't be doing this, I shouldn't be a software engineer. I shouldn't be applying and you have to squash it out. It's not true. If you're still here, you're doing something that hundreds of thousands of other people weren't able to do. You're building amazing things. You've already built amazing things. You have a story that's worth sharing. You have experience that's worth putting on your resume and you deserve for someone to see you in your light that you already shine so amazingly with, right? And so when it comes time to putting it on paper, for some reason, we slip and I've done this in the past to myself, too. We slip when it comes time to putting it down on paper. And so make sure that you take some time and if nobody else tells it, tells you, listen to me, if you're still here, you're amazing. You've done something that hundreds of thousands of other people have not been able to do. Talk your talk, put yourself in the best light possible because you're worth it and you deserve it. Cool.

All right, we need to do a break. When we come back from the break, we got two or more big things we gotta cover in terms of the last part of the resume and then we're gonna look at 10 resumes and go over it together. We'll do some wonderful raffles. We still have the laptop at the end of the day. So it's gonna do our five-minute timer, but I think so I actually already Born code. Thank you for the hydration. Cheers to you and Almost show 12 added two minutes to the timer. So this is gonna be a seven minute break folks seven minutes on the timer Take that break Maybe try and pull up the resume template if you haven't been able to do it And then when we come back from our seven minutes We're going to look at the last bit of this resume and we're going to see some real examples. I'm really excited So let's go ahead and do that. We'll do our raffle afterwards See you all in seven minutes I'll be sure to run the ads so that folks actually take a break If you're new around here and you don't know what I mean by break Please we're in a marathon not a sprint if you're able get up move around hydrate. Let your eyes relax I don't think it's not the screen. We'll be back together in seven minutes I see you're indifferent, that's hilarious, alright I gotta run these ads, exactly as said make sure you stretch drink your water please I'm gonna run the ads I'll see you all very shortly We actually give everyone who graduates $1. So we actually thought about doing that last cohort, that's why we actually get a client Though, but we actually we actually considered that idea, which I thought was pretty funny All right folks come on back come on back All righty Well, no, it's just so that uh You can say that you're a paid software engineer But if you you already most of you will be paid software engineers, which is pretty funny Alrighty Come on back mom back Let's go. Uh, come back to a raffle. Let's come back to a raffle.

So let me go and set that up one second One second. One second. One second. Alrighty. Ooh, they're like crinkly in the music right now, that, ugh. All right, giveaways open. Go ahead, exclamation point raffle, get in here. Exclamation point raffle to get in here. And then we're going to finish up looking at this resume and then look at some examples. I'm missing a rate or something. How many people here? Must be people. All righty, another 10, 15 seconds, 15 seconds. We don't get got we go get it. All right, I'm going to go ahead and close it out.

I'm going to pick our winner. it's rigged blah blah blah congrats blah on the raffle congrats I gotta do another one I can't do that blah you're gonna get your you're already getting your mod hoodie but you'll also get your t-shirt you'll get your official t-shirt as well but I feel people would do would say that that's rigged if we let that stand so we got to do another one alright so that's complete and let me go ahead I'm gonna do another one here and keep this open for 30 seconds exclamation point raffle if you want to get in here folks is for another 100 devs t-shirt 100 devs t-shirt that's hilarious well the funny thing is that happened to me too that happened on Rufio's stream I think it was yeah it was a Rufio stream or might have been a Rufio stream Where they ran the raffle and I entered it just to run it and I won That was funny all rigged Already gonna close this one up Let me know and we're gonna go ahead and pick a winner Tonyg32388, congrats, you'll be getting messages from me tomorrow sending up how to get you these lovely t-shirts, so Tonyg32388, congratulations. You want to know how I know some of y'all come back a little after the timer's done? Some of y'all came back a little after the timer because there were more raffles on the second one entries and they were on the first one. I think people just took their time. I saw a seven minute timer, I turned it to 10. Alrighty, congrats Tony G. We complete that down here. Beautiful. Alrighty folks, let's go ahead and finish looking at our resume template. Let me chill the music and get into it. All right. So we talked about our first work experience being software engineer and a hundred devs. We have our projects. We've named all of our smaller projects.

There's not as much of it as a bootcamp Mel. And then you're gonna have at least two other positions, at least two other positions on your resume. most resumes could be fine with just three. If you have a really established work history, that's fine. I've had lots of folks with really established work histories and they still keep it to three. It's up to you if you want to do more, but three is enough, okay? Because they're only spending six seconds. Now, sometimes they might want to ask questions, they'll follow up if they have more questions, but sticking to these three is often really helpful and it's even more helpful if you don't have an extensive work history, right? And so, or if you have a work history that might have had a gap, these three are helpful, okay? So, the next one will be your consulting. So, your consulting started when you first started learning or thinking about learning to code. So, if you ever thought about learning to code, but that's typically when you start your consulting time. If you have a big gap in your resume, that was your consulting time. And as long as you get one client, then you can put as big as a consulting time as you need on there. Some folks feel like they have bigger gaps, but if you wrote some HTML 10 years ago, then you could literally have been freelancing that whole time because your first code was written 10 years ago.

That's a little, I mean, that's kind of how you can do it. If you have a bigger gap, this is, this is how you fill that gap. And so if you have a gap on your resume, right. If you're worried about that gap, this is how you fix that gap. You are freelancing. And as long as you have one actual client that people can actually talk to that would like pick up the phone and say, yeah, I worked with this person, then you can, you don't, you don't have to worry about any gaps anymore. You just don't. Right. And people right now are the most willing to forgive gaps than any other point in time. I've been teaching the code for about 10 years. I've been helping people get jobs for like five. This is the best time ever to have a gap on your resume because everyone's like, yeah, there was a global pandemic. You probably have a gap or two, that's okay. And so you can explain the gaps as like, hey, I was freelancing, especially during the pandemic and totally, totally fine. This is like the best time ever in the history of ever to have those gaps because you had a global pandemic and You are freelancing So if you have a gap It's really important that you get a actual client that you can put on here that you can describe what you did for that client In detail and that somebody would actually pick up a phone people say hey Leon, what about references?

This is where your references start. That's why getting a client is so important to this process It's someone that will actually pick up the phone. Cool How you describe your consulting is up to you, but I like created full stack web applications and static websites for different clients across small and medium sized businesses. Also consulted on SEO and social media strategy. Some clients include, and then you would list your actual clients that you got. Now, the last one is any of your previous kind of jobs. Rays, we're going to talk about that in a second. We're going to talk about education in a second. Um, the last thing could be anything that you did. It really doesn't matter. Uh, you can put any of your past jobs on here. It doesn't really kind of matter. Um, what you did. And so you can put you were, did you, did you ever, like, did you, did you work at a coffee company? Right.

You worked at a coffee company and you managed their Twitter profile, then you could be a marketing associate at that coffee company. One thing I don't recommend doing is really changing your title. If you had a specific title, in some more serious background checks, those titles can be confirmed. So that's something to understand. So what some folks might do is they might put their actual title and then maybe like in parentheses some of the things they did At that at that location, right? So if you let's say worked as a barista You could put that in like parentheses So that shows like your actual titles there But the thing that you that you did that you were excited about at that at that company, right? So maybe you manage their social media profile and while you're there you do establish a strategy and communications campaign that did X, Y, and Z. So whatever the highlight was, right, at that organization, you put that here. And everyone, I don't care what you did. I don't care if you were a Fortune 100 CEO. I don't care if you were an animal wrangler in the Sahara. I don't care if you were a barista, it doesn't matter. You all have at least one banger that you can think of that you did at that company or a way to think about it that can communicate what you did there. Right. And maybe tilt it towards what you're interested in doing now.

And this might be the hardest thing for folks to think through. Um, a lot of folks that I would say most of my students have done pretty traditional jobs. A lot of my students have been baristas. They've been, uh, cooks. They've been, um, things and there's, there's always something you, some way that you can massage that role into something that you did positive. and then something that might lean into what you did, why you're a software engineer. And for a lot of folks, this is where your story becomes really important. So let's say you were a server at a restaurant, like you're a waiter, waitress at a restaurant, you would talk about your time at that restaurant as having a horrible time with a point of sale system, like where you typed in those orders. Every day you had to type in orders, you hated it, And you thought that you could do, you could make a better point of sale system. So you learned how to code. And one of your big projects that you've worked on is a point of sale system that you're trying to sell to small to medium sized restaurants. So you went from a waiter, waitress, having a horrible experience with point of sale system, learning how to code to your a hundred hours project being a new point of sale system that you're actually gonna try and sell. You don't actually have to try and sell. You just say you're gonna try and sell to small, medium businesses. That gives you a plausible story as to why you're showing up as a software engineer, right?

And so we're gonna have classes on this crafting your story. Here we're gonna have classes on how to frame anything that you've done in the past in a positive light, but you need to start thinking about it, right? You need to start thinking about it now. How can I take what I did in the past and mold it into a story as to how I got to where I am now? All right, and so you don't have to have that right now. I need you to start chewing on and something will have a whole class on but this last this third thing could be anything I don't care what your past job was. There's a way to make it so that helps you with this new role Well Okay. Maybe we can do that. All right. So like I said, we're gonna have a full class on how to do that like crafting story. That's something I need to start thinking about right now. Cool. All right, the last thing I recommend having on your resume is volunteering. I think the easiest thing to volunteer for are conferences. And so just have one thing here that's like a volunteer experience.

So that could be, I volunteer at a certain conference every year, the Free Software Foundation Conference. Every year that it was in person, I volunteered for the past couple of years. And they also helped with like their mailing campaigns, right? And so find something that's in the realm of, um, either like a technical conference or a local organization that you feel like you want to contribute to, that can be something that you can talk about, uh, during your interview as well, right? So, um, there's like the, the, like the charitable reason to do it, but there's also like the greedy reason to do it. Having the, the volunteer experience gives you just one more thing to talk about, uh, during the interview. No, no non-code volunteering is great, but you want something that is actually technical related. Something that somebody else will be looking at your resume and go, oh, they also do Code for America. I do Code for America every Tuesday, right? Like there are a lot of these like volunteering things that like people that are in tech are on the in on, right? And so it's just something that like helps you find a common bond with the interviewer and help separate your resume from any other resume that doesn't have it. Especially if you're local, right? Especially if you're local. And like I said, this is just kind of like the first pass. We're gonna have a whole deeper class on like resume and how to structure your job.

So there's like a lot of specific questions about it. Feel free to ask them, but we're gonna have other classes on resumes too. What about if you were a managerial beforehand and now you're applying? We've had students that have gotten senior roles right out of 100 devs, quite a few. A lot of times the level that you go into doesn't, don't limit yourself. If you wanna go straight to managing, you probably could if you did this process right, which I know sounds absolutely wild, but I actually do believe it. And so part of this process is like crafting that story. And if you've done managerial things in the past, you have to bake that into your story and use that as a huge value add to the company that you're joining. Cool. So the last things we have on here are skills. Remember we talked about like the computer reading your resume. And so you want these skills here so that if a computer is reading your resume, they like pass you on to the next round. Cool. So we have our skills. HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, React Native Node, MongoDB, Postgres, OOP, Web Accessibility.

These are things that are pretty standard. You might swap in and out certain things on here, but that's about it the last part here is education and I Don't recommend putting education first unless you went to like a really strong school If you went to like an Ivy League school or something like that or a top-tier recognizable school, then you might move Up your like your education to be somewhere different But if you kind of went to like a normal university normal school you kind of put your education to the right-hand side. And can anybody tell me about, tell me about what I've done specifically here? Anybody figure out what I've done here? No degree. This person doesn't have a degree. But if somebody was spending the six seconds that they are gonna spend on this resume, would they know that they did not have a degree? Nah. They would just see UMass Boston and keep moving. Unless they were specifically trying to weed out for that question, they're just gonna go boop and move on to the next thing. And so that's what I recommend you do. If you did not have a degree, but you went to school somewhere for a little while, You can put that on there put the years that you were there and then keep it moving If you do have a degree you can put your full degree there If you have any like a like a master's you can put your master's there Some folks that might have like military experience you can put it like near this area as well You don't have to put GPA. You don't put any of that crap on there You don't have to do you don't have to put anything on there that you don't feel comfortable with remember. This is all about passing a sniff test if somebody really cares about certain things, there's nothing that you can do that'll stop them from caring about those things. But what you can do is make it a little bit harder for them to figure it out, right?

If they really wanna care about it and they really wanna dig, they will. They'll ask you follow up questions. You don't have to come out the gate snitching on yourself. You don't have to come out the gate like immediately dismissing your resume. And so when you see these folks that say, I I applied to 500 places. I didn't get the job it's because they have stuff on their resume that the recruiter is seeing in those six seconds and deciding to not To not move their resume to the next round Like I said, I'm gonna show you how to play the game it's up to you if you want to play it I Went to a culinary school and a culinary arts degree, which I put you should put that on your resume. Oh, yeah And a lot of companies care about degrees, a lot of them don't. And even some of the ones that do say they care, they don't check. So it just doesn't, it doesn't behoove you to shout that somewhere in your resume. What if you have no education past high school? You can leave education off of your resume. You just like not have it. If you really don't feel like you want to put anything for education, just don't put it. Some folks will put certifications on here. I'm not a big fan of certifications unless they're like the meaty certifications So if you said Leon, I don't have any education past high school what you're one of the people I might push to do Like a specific cert that might have some meat behind it like an AWS cert or something like that Just have something in that space, but that's not something I would do now for now I would just leave it off as you get through the end of program.

That's something you might look into But as a general rule of thumb, I don't put certifications on resumes unless they're like the really big heavy hitter ones that like you had to take the test and it took a long time to study for, yeah. What about jobs that asks you to have a BS? If you've networked your way into those jobs, it sometimes just doesn't matter. How relevant are spoken languages and where would you put them? You can put them in that like kind of the skills area is where you can put languages if you want. And different ghost says I didn't complete high school. No one has ever asked me about my education or even the BS requirements So there you go One of the strongest engineers that that I know that have helped all of our folks here at 100 devs that have amazing jobs There you go Yeah, so you can put you can put Um, you can put languages here if you want. What about soft skills? Leave them off your resume. Notice that I don't have like Microsoft word or like public speaking, right? These are things that everyone has. They're not value ads on a resume. They don't, you don't need to put that. You know how to work a computer, um, on your resume like that. That's okay.

Like that's assumed your software engineer is slightly a little bit higher bar there in terms of like your technical skills, Excel, stuff like that doesn't belong on a, on a engineering, um, resume. Leave off Udemy, Coursera certs. Yeah. Don't put them on there. That just, what is, what is, what is, what is someone seeing a Udemy cert smell like? Think about that. If you had, if you asked, if you absolutely crushed the resume and then I saw Udemy cert, I'm just going to think, oh, you haven't been coding for that long. Wait a minute. I thought you were, I thought you had worked here, here, here. I thought you'd been freelancing. why do you have, like, why do you have, like, this Udemy cert, right? Like that, you gotta think about it. Folks don't wanna hire new folks, like, they just don't. They don't wanna hire folks that are early in their career. They don't wanna hire engineers straight out of bootcamps.

Like, whether you can do the job or not, some folks have already made up their minds about this stuff, right? Some folks have already made up their minds about this stuff. And so don't give them that ammunition. Just don't let them dream what they want to dream, get into the position where you're talking to the engineers, and then all that stuff can come out later. But you don't have to put it on here where somebody is literally spending six seconds to decide if you go to the next round. Well, always think about it. Think about what do you want somebody to see in these first six seconds? They can always clarify they can always ask more questions, but in those six seconds What do you want them to see so that they can go? Oh, this person's a software engineer I want them to talk to talk to my team Let's do a few minutes of questions here And then we're gonna start looking at some resumes and see if we can put into play everything we just learned What about free CodeCamp certs? I don't think they should belong on your entry-level software engineering resume. You don't want, I don't ever have my students put bootcamp stuff, basic certification stuff. That all stays off because in those six seconds, I want them to think that I'm a software engineer that's been doing this for a while and I know what the hell I'm doing. So anything that might suss that out and make them feel like that's not true or that you're a newer developer, that gets a pass for now. What about on LinkedIn? I think this stuff goes on LinkedIn too.

What about a cover letter? Like I said, this is not our beginning of the hunt class. We're gonna go in deep on all the stuff you'll need for the hunt. This is just a resume to start getting these ideas percolating. Some of my engineering friends told me that good companies will continue to software engineers ones as an investment. Is that a wrong way to view the job from our perspective? No, I think a lot of companies, the reason why they look for entry level talent is because they want you to grow in their way. Every company does all this stuff differently. They have their own systems, their own processes. And so sometimes when you have engineers that have like a year or two of experience, they're already set in a certain way. You can have raw engineering talent, build them up in your way, and that could be a value add. Should our contact info like our GitHub account be really professional name? Yes. everything is first name, last name, as much as you can go. Unless for some reason you can't use your name, but the close to your first name, last name as you can, or a moniker that you use everywhere is really important.

So some people just go by a moniker, but that should be consistent across all your stuff. What about soft skills, management, client service? Probably not. They only have six seconds. Ah, great question. Should we stick to a one page rule for resumes? Yes. I think some folks like notice that there's no second page here I left it blank just so I could say there's nothing on the second page. Yeah one page or less They're only spending six seconds If you can't if you can't craft a good story That helps somebody understand that you're a good entry-level engineer in that one page. You have failed that six second test Now this is a resume CVS and things like that are different but for a resume try and keep it one page And it was some folks, some people said it's outdated. Nah, they're not spending that much time on this one page. And it's not because you don't want to have more stuff on there. It's because folks that have multiple pages means that they haven't put the time or effort in to consolidate and really think through what their bangers are and what they want somebody that's only spending a little bit of time on their resume to walk away with. What if my education is over 20 years old? Just leave the numbers off of it.

Yeah, just leave the dates off of it. What about cover pages? I don't really ever do cover pages. Sometimes they're like cover letters or cover emails, but we'll talk about that later. Where can we go to do our participating projects? We have project nights. Instead of class, sometimes we do project nights. Uh, how do you add freelance projects? Do you put a link to the work? Uh, yeah, I think a lot of this stuff can be linked. So if any of this stuff is live and like hosted on, say like Netlify, you can turn these into actual links. And a lot of times if you don't have the code live, you'll link to your GitHub. We're going to have a template that you're going to use for every single GitHub repo so that it looks really nice and really professional. And so that's something I'll share with y'all soon. So every single project you work on is gonna have a really nice GitHub page that's really like knocks people's socks off.

And so I'll share that template with you soon. And so a lot of these might be links to your GitHub. Design skills, yeah, that could definitely go on a resume too. If you're like a designer or something like that, that should go on there. If we can't call ourselves software engineers, do we put full stack web developer? Yes, I think that's probably the next best step. Any fonts to stay away from? Just use standard fonts, don't get too wild with it. If you're using the template, just use what the template gives you. Yeah, it should definitely be a PDF. I think PDF, being able to have it in PDF is really important don't be sending like a Word doc to folks, send a PDF to folks. Two universities didn't get a degree either, should I put both? Sure, why not? If I worked for somebody that was a worldwide company, you can just put the port of call for your cruise ship or remote is what people put these days. Should I put my resume online for potential employees?

I think it's important to have it hosted somewhere that's easily shareable. Bullet points instead of paragraphs for all work experience. If you're following my template, you'll notice that there's only one that has like the, it's like the first one has bullet points and then kind of the other ones are kind of just smaller because you're trying to save space. If you need to fill some space, you can do more bullet points. Should you include technical schools such as like welding or CDL if that's part of your story? So a lot of times people say, should I include this or that? Well, you gotta think, does it contribute to the story as to why you're a software engineer? So if you're ever trying to figure out if something should be on your resume or not, is well, hey, does it contribute to the story I'm presenting to a recruiter or to a hiring partner as to why I am a good software engineer, how I got here? It doesn't make sense. Always think about if it makes sense. If I volunteered for a long time and they offer me a paid position, can I put volunteer and paid? I would probably still list it as volunteer because some people really do Some people really do Do deeper background checks that will verify your employment history What if my employment diplomas from a different country than us? That's totally fine Should we keep our age off the resume? Where is my age on this resume? There's no age on this resume I'm the only the only way you can maybe suss out age is like Educational timeline, but if you really feel that you might be discriminated against for your age Then you can just leave that time off of there like your degree time How about personal interest now you've only got six seconds don't cloud it with stuff that doesn't help you seal the deal Everything if you're ever asking yourself, should this be on there should this not be on there say if I only had six to ten seconds to read this resume, would that stuff help convince me to give you the interview?

Most of the time the answer is no definitely always a PDF. Yeah, always a PDF. I'm currently a truck driver. I feel like it's hard to transition for folks coming from blue collar, that's all cap. My best students, the students that always have the best outcomes, literally, I've tracked this. I looked at the jobs before versus the salary after. the folks that make the most money coming out of my programs are always drivers, always drivers, always, always, always drivers. I don't know what it is, but I got the proof. Always Uber drivers and CDL holders out of everything, out of healthcare, out of folks that had prior education. I don't know what it is, but drivers, they lead the way. And so yeah get get all that silly nonsense out of our heads that if we're coming from one industry It's gonna be that we can't make it now Mm-hmm Data is not with you And that's why I'm saying you stick to these three You stick to these three You stick to these three you have Your 100 devs you have your consulting and you have one other thing that you did You don't need any other history beside those three to land a job the individuals that use this template Literally folks that we've talked about in this cohort like the folks that I've put on here before folks Yeah that you that you that you know that have gone through my other programs. They've used this template and now they're at fang companies Like I said You can either trust me or not, it's up to you. We don't use those emotes anymore. Self frog, nah. XQC wrecked our place, no more.

No longer in this chat. I'm joshing it, but they did cause us a lot of pain. Can we ban emotes? Alrighty, so we've looked at the example. What I want to do now is knowing what we know, knowing what we know, yeah, it's like, it's engagement. Thank you for the engagement. No, so the cool thing, like the streamers doing what they did was cool because it made the state, like it made it like, it made it fun, right? Like, cause like it made, it made you feel things. And so as much as you hate it being wiped out, it's like, that's what like brought the community, like your smaller community back together, right? Like having to rebuild and like fight it off. Like, that's what made it, that's what made it fun. And so it's all, yeah, it united us. Like, so you got, you got to take the good with the bad. Right. And it was good promo.

Oh. Every good story needs a villain, exactly. All right. So we looked at this, we looked at this resume. I asked some of your questions about it. Remember, this won't be our only time we look at resumes and this will be, I just need these ideas to percolate now and then we'll have a full two classes on how to do all of our professional stuff for the hunt. Location for all this stuff, you can just do remote. Some folks put LA, but I think it's better just to put remote if you're putting 100 devs. Rockefeller Nerd said, I used this template and got my job. My cousin in college used this template and got the job. It does the job. Thank you. I love that. Thank you for sharing Rockefeller. What if I'm in LA, then put LA.

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